discover your potential
Capital City Career Opportunities, Inc.

2021 vs 2022

In 2021, Capital City Career Opportunities Clients Services totaled 91, with 43 Clients placed into Competitive Employment.
In 2022, Capital City Career Opportunities Clients Services totaled 151, with 78 Clients placed into Competitive Employment.
In 2022, Capital City Career Opportunities saw a 60% increase of Clients Served along with an increase of 55% in Placement Services
discover your potential
Capital City Career Opportunities, Inc.

As a Community Resource Program (CRP) vendor through the Department of Rehabilitation (DOR), Capital City Career Opportunities, Inc. (CCCO) supports individuals with interviewing, building resumes, how to write a cover letter, what to put on job applications, how to apply for jobs, other job readiness skills, and other services requested that are listed in their IPE. CCCO supports individuals whose goal is state employment by building their profiles on the state site, LEAP exams, support with statements of qualification and statements of questionnaires. We also support participants with the county, city, and federal job sites.
We provide resources on the top job search sites. We support finding and locating job openings that are in line with the participants signed IPE. We also provide post-employment services: CCCO tracks hired participants for 90 days after starting a job to ensure their job is a good fit and they are getting the support they need to be successful.
CCCO is not an employment agency, however, we encourage all participants to register and use employment agencies as a resource to obtain employment. We also encourage participants to sign up and use their local one-stop centers as a resource.We do not provide direct placement.
Employment Services (ES) as authorized by a Senior Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor (SVRC) and provided to a DOR consumer by a Capital City Career Opportunities, Inc., assists a DOR consumer prepare for, obtaining, and retaining employment. A continuum of services provides guidance and direction to a DOR consumer in the development of job search techniques and appropriate work-related behaviors that will enhance the consumer’s employability.
ES components provide assistance in the development of job search skills, coordination of job search activities, and identification of appropriate job openings. Employment Retention services are designed to support DOR consumers and employers in achieving a successful employment outcome and in meeting DOR’s criteria for case closure.
The four specific components of Employment Services include:
Employment Preparation,
Job Development & Placement,
Employment Retention.
Vocational Assessment Services, as authorized by a Senior Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor (SVRC) and provided to a DOR consumer by Capital City Career Opportunities, Inc., are limited in scope and short in duration. Services assess basic information about a DOR consumer’s current educational and vocational levels, abilities, and interests.
Assessment materials or questionnaires are not reflective of standardized tests and are developed by the CRP. The CRP will seek information through a questionnaire, an interview, and a review of collateral information. Extensive occupational options or labor market analyses are not included in this service.
Vocational Assessment Services provides information to a DOR consumer/applicant and refers by DOR SVRC, to assist in eligibility determination, ability to participate in rehabilitation planning, and/or to determine the nature and scope of DOR services to be provided.
Personal, Vocational, Social Adjustment (PVSA) services as authorized by a Senior Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor (SVRC) and provided to a DOR consumer by a Capital City Career Opportunities, Inc., assist a DOR consumer to develop or re-establish skills, attitudes, personal characteristics, interpersonal skills, work behaviors, and functional capacities to achieve and maintain positive employment outcomes. This service is authorized by an SVRC to CCCO to address one or more barriers that are preventing a consumer from successfully completing his/her DOR Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE). Training is time-limited, individualized, and provided in the environment where the identified appropriate behavior is needed or occurs.
Services are generally provided on a 1:1 basis and are concluded within one to
four (1-4) months.
Services addressing similar barriers to employment may be provided in a classroom setting to groups of more than one DOR consumer. Classes are provided in one-hour increments. Services may be provided individually, in groups, or in a classroom setting based on an approved program model and reflected in the approval certificate as issued by DOR’s Community Resources
Development (CRD) unit.
Job Coaching Services, as authorized by a Senior Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor (SVRC) and provided by a Capital City Career Opportunities, Inc to a competitively employed FOR consumer, provide intensive assistance and support in employment-related activities to promote job adjustment and retention. Intensive individualized Job Coaching services may be provided as part of a Supported Employment (SE) Individualized Plan of Employment (IPE), or for specific short-term services in support of a DOR consumer in a non-SE job.
Group Job Coaching may be provided at an employer’s worksite by CRP staff as part of a Group Supported Employment placement as defined by RAM Chapter 31.
Activities of Job Coaching by CRP staff for competitive, individual placements, include on-site support services and off-site interventions for DOR consumers, such as:
Job orientation
Job destination training
Teaching job tasks
Supervision at the worksite
Coworker/supervisor consultation
Assistance in integrating the DOR consumer into the work environment through natural supports
Assistance in changes in the work environment impacting the potential for job retention
Assistance with public support agencies
Family and residential provider consultation
Contact the consumer and/or employer to ensure continued job satisfaction
Assistance with monitoring Social Security Administration (SSA) reporting requirements
Support and counseling necessary to maintain employment
Consultation with the DOR consumer/employer and others following job loss